How to Get Rid of Bugs in the House

Let’s face it; most Arizona homeowners don’t like bugs of any kind, regardless of whether they’re cockroaches, scorpions, ants or bees. Having these little monsters inside your home is even worse. In the yard, bees and ants can wreak havoc on what you thought would be a nice, enjoyable barbecue! If pests are “pestering” you and your family, there’s plenty that can be done.

Naturally, you don’t want bugs that can bite or sting in the yard. Going barefoot in summertime is a pleasurable experience that bugs can ruin. Even worse though is when the little critters decide it’s time to come inside to enjoy the cool air, any snacks that may be left out, a nice dark place to sleep after they get their bellies full (such as in the cupboard, closet, or behind the stove). Yikes! Sounds disgusting, doesn’t it?

The best thing you can do to ensure your home is free from nasty little creatures is to hire a trusted pest control company, one that uses safe chemicals that pose no threat to children or pets.

Homeowners Can Take a Few Simple Steps to Get Rid of Bugs

Keep your home clean, especially the kitchen. Don’t leave dirty dishes sitting out on the counter overnight, and put leftovers in the refrigerator promptly. Eliminate all food sources.

Seal up even the tiniest holes or cracks. Just like mice, bugs seem to have this amazing ability to fit into holes or cracks you wouldn’t think they would be able to. Have you ever had the window up and found that flies somehow make their way in, even when there isn’t a tear or hole to be seen in the screen? Enough said.

Bug sprays. There are some bug sprays that are intended for use in the home, but be careful when trying to treat the problem yourself, especially if you have small children or pets. Some may be effective, some may not – and even those that are provide only a temporary solution.

Call a professional. Have bugs in your home that you’re trying to get rid of? The professionals at Pest’R Us have been providing exceptional service to residents of Tempe and the East Valley area for more than 25 years!

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