The weather in Arizona has begun its inevitable increase, and we are well on our way into high temperatures well into the 80’s and beyond. Unfortunately, along with the warmer weather often comes an unpleasant visit from one of the most feared of Arizona’s creepy critters- the scorpion. Scorpions can be found in Arizona year-round, but they do become more active and result in more stings when the weather warms up. Although the side effects of a scorpion sting range from highly unpleasant to downright dangerous, there’s no need to fear them in your home.

Scorpions aren’t discriminatory when it comes to where they live, and residents in the East Valley cities of Chandler, Gilbert, and Mesa are no exception. While the East Valley isn’t more prone to scorpions than anywhere else in the valley, it is important to take steps in preventing them from invading the comfort of your living space. Luckily, with a professional pest control company like Pest’R Us on your side, prevention is easy.

A store-bought pesticide isn’t going to do you much good when it comes to killing scorpions. Most of these pesticides aren’t designed to kill them, and short of a direct hit on an otherwise nocturnal critter, it can be a waste of time. The best way to prevent scorpions from entering your home is to clean house, both inside and out.

scorpion-control-chandler-azStarting from the outside, eliminate the trash and stacks of wood where scorpions naturally like to hide, and be sure to check your weather stripping. Carefully check any gaps or holes, especially around doors and windows. If you can slip a credit card through a crack, chances are a scorpion can enter there too. It’s best to caulk these areas right away to prevent any unwanted visitors.

Moving inside, you can prevent scorpions from having a welcome place to dwell by vacuuming and dusting corners and behind nightstands and dressers. Bundled wet towels left in bathrooms and kitchens can also be a welcome place for scorpions to hide, so be sure to hang them carefully to dry. Since scorpions like to hide during the day and become active at night, be sure to check your shoes and bed sheets to avoid coming in contact with a hiding scorpion. Avoid walking barefoot at night and be extra vigilant in the warm weather days of an Arizona summer.

The best way to find out if you have a scorpion infestation is to use a black light and search them out in the nighttime hours. A scorpion will glow a telltale blue under the black light and you’ll be able to see if they are hiding around your home.

A quality pest control specialist like Pest’R Us can help protect your family from scorpions by sealing your home and creating a barrier to prevent their entrance, as well as treat for other bugs that might serve as a food source for these unwanted guests. The best way to treat scorpions is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place, and Pest’R Us can keep you and your family safe from scorpions and any other unwanted creepy critters.

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